Find the program for you!

Service sites are often matched on individual backgrounds, educations, talents, and desires. Most programs require a college degree or equivalent. All programs provide community housing and a stipend, and most provide insurance. 

Programs in the United States

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Franciscan Intentional Community, Young Adult Ministry, Hospitality, Environmental Justice, Social Justice, Care for Creation, Simple Living

Term of Service: One month to one year, renewable; flexible start/end time.

Canticle House, a new intentional community in Chester, Pennsylvania, initiated by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, invites young adults and other spiritual seekers to live together in community as sisters and brothers. We intend to nurture hope, celebrate diversity, and make choices for the healing and well-being of our Earth through the daily practice of authentic, relational, and sustainable living. Rooted in Franciscan spirituality, four core values energize the mission and vision of Canticle House: nurturing life-giving, mutual relationships; offering hospitality and welcome; seeking environmental and social justice; and living contemplatively (integrating reflection and action). We live these values through mutually determined rhythms of shared meals, prayer, celebrations, and activities.

Age Requirement: 20s-30s

Contact info:


Canticle House

Chester, PA

Education, Health Care, Prison Ministry, Immigration, Refugee Resettlement, Parish Outreach, Social Services, Homeless Outreach  Term of Service: 1 year  Cap Corps offers men and women the opportunity to work in direct service with the poor while li…

Education, Health Care, Prison Ministry, Immigration, Refugee Resettlement, Parish Outreach, Social Services, Homeless Outreach

Term of Service: 1 year

Cap Corp’s goal as a Catholic service program is to send forth young adults who are transformed by the lived experience of community, service, simplicity and prayer and have gained a greater understanding of the person God has called them to be. Cap Corps offers men and women the opportunity to serve in full-time positions that uplift the poor, vulnerable and marginalized, while living simply in an intentional community with other volunteers and accompanied by the joyful fellowship of the Capuchin Friars. Embracing the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi and his example of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to this experience of community and service.

Age Requirement: 21-30
Language Requirement: Spanish needed for some domestic placements
Priority Deadline: February 15


Cap Corps

Pittsburgh, PA
Washington, D.C.

Peacebuilding, Nursing/Healthcare, Advocacy, Refugee Services, Education, Communications, Development, Programming

Term of Service: 11.5 months

Franciscan Mission Service’s  DC Service Corps Program equips compassionate young adults to become future nonprofit servant leaders. Participants address issues of poverty and injustice through a year of service with local nonprofits in Washington, DC. Volunteers live simply in intentional community and integrate the Franciscan values into their daily lives. Volunteers also receive weekly leadership training and faith formation to further develop their skills and gifts as they serve in their various ministries.

Franciscan Mission Service also offers Short-term Mission Trips in Washington, DC, for groups. Visit our website for more details.

Age Requirement: 21 - 35
Priority Deadline: Rolling


Franciscan Mission Service

Washington, DC
US-Mexico border region

Soup Kitchen/Food Ministry, Education, Community Organizing, Immigrant Ministry, Parish Ministries, Pastoral Outreach, Peace & Justice, Prisons, RCIA/Faith Formation, Youth Ministry  Term of Service: August – July  The Franciscan Volunteer Minis…

Soup Kitchen/Food Ministry, Education, Community Organizing, Immigrant Ministry, Parish Ministries, Pastoral Outreach, Peace & Justice, Prisons, RCIA/Faith Formation, Youth Ministry

Term of Service: July - June

The Franciscan Volunteer Ministry is a group of lay men and women, living in community, who dedicate themselves to ministry in collaboration with the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Based on the Gospel message to express love in action, it provides an environment that fosters service to the marginalized, personal and interpersonal development, spiritual growth, and an active prayer life. As living witnesses to Gospel values and Franciscan ideals, the Franciscan Volunteer Ministers are committed to a simple lifestyle that promotes solidarity with the poor and builds a Christian community with one another. This experience, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, will nurture the Franciscan Volunteer Ministers to grow in faith to become witnesses to the world and to their faith communities.

Age Requirement: Over 18
Priority Deadline: Rolling


Franciscan Volunteer Ministry

Durham, NC
Philadelphia, PA

Health Care, Housing Issues, Maternal & Child Care, Refugee Resettlement, Soup Kitchen & Food Distribution, and Youth Mentorship & Education

Term of Service: end of July — end of June

Inspired by the lives of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, FrancisCorps volunteers do not simply do a “year of service” but instead participate in an experience of Gospel living, the foundation of which is the volunteers’ relationship with God. The FrancisCorps experience is brought to life through comprehensive and balanced service, intentional community, and faith formation rooted in the Franciscan charism. This is accomplished through shared daily meals and prayer, direct service 5 days a week, weekly Mass, faith sharing, 5 retreats, and a free pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy! The year challenges those who share this experience to transform a year of service into a lifetime committed to living the Gospel!

Age Requirement: 21-25
Priority Deadline - January 31
General Deadline - April 1
After April 1 - Rolling


Syracuse, NY 

Intentional Communal Living, Franciscan Hospitality, Young Adult/Adult Retreat Ministry, Pastoral Outreach, Environmental Stewardship, Peace and Justice, Gardening  Term of Service: Flexible start and end time. Minimum 6 month commitment  Mountain C…

Intentional Communal Living, Franciscan Hospitality, Young Adult/Adult Retreat Ministry, Pastoral Outreach, Environmental Stewardship, Peace and Justice, Gardening

Term of Service: Flexible start and end time. Minimum 6 month commitment

Mountain Companion Ministry, a Franciscan Mountain Retreat Community located western New York, is interested in building a larger, richer community to live among the friars as part of the ministry we provide to the world. We are seeking men and women interested in living and supporting the life. The primary ministry is to the students of St. Bonaventure University and the surrounding community.

Life as a Mountain Companion includes: Living in community with others, Offering hospitality, Retreat planning and implementation, Cooking meals, Caring for the creation

Age Requirement: 21+
Priority Deadline: None
Contact info: Michael F. Fenn,

Mountain Companion Ministry

Mt. Irenaeus, West Clarksville, New York


International Programs

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Education, Healthcare, Pastoral Work, Legal, Sustainable Agriculture, Prison Ministry, Social Services, Community Organizing, Art, Music, Sports

Term of Service: 2 years or more

Franciscan Mission Service’s Overseas Lay Mission Program provides lay women and men the opportunity to walk in solidarity with communities around the world that are marginalized and oppressed. Missioners serve for two or more years alongside community members, assisting with locally-run ministries that strive to cultivate peace, justice, and hope. FMS believes in the wisdom of economically poor communities and in the fundamental dignity of every individual. Following in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare, missioners take a posture of humility and engage in a relationship-focused approach to mission that focuses on presence, learning and cross-cultural companionship. FMS provides a 3-month Formation program before missioners serve and a 2-week Re-Entry retreat once they return.

Age Requirement: 22-65+
Accepts single people and married couples without dependents
Priority Deadline: March 1


Franciscan Mission Service

US-Mexico Border Region