Strive for Spirit

By Katie Sullivan, Executive Director
Franciscan Volunteer Ministry

Don’t strive for perfection;
you will always be disappointed.
Strive for the Spirit;
She’s always present.

~ Michael Duffy, OFM


My first few days of being the new FVM Program Director were a whirlwind. I began two weeks before the incoming Class of FVMs was to arrive. Two people decided they would not be joining us as expected. One person applied (my first ever interview!) and was accepted. Needless to say, I was feeling quite a bit stressed and flustered with all that was happening. So much was in flux! Thankfully, Orientation Retreat had already been planned by our wonderful Program Director who preceded me. 

Into that storm of emotions and activity, Michael Duffy, OFM offered the wisdom above: “Don’t strive for perfection; you will always be disappointed. Strive for the Spirit; She’s always present.” His words changed everything for me, calming my heart and mind. I remembered that God is with us in all that hustle and bustle, in all the known and unknown. Recognizing those things, I then recognized that I was feeling far more than stress and anxiety. I was excited and hopeful, and filled with anticipation of what was to come. I felt that I was where God wanted me to be and that God had and would put the call of FVM in other hearts, too. 

That day, I wrote down Michael’s words and put them on my office wall, where they remain. While I still need to be reminded sometimes, Michael’s wisdom is also deeply ingrained in my heart, for which I am immensely grateful.